The narrative of a shipwreck on the Kergulean Islands and the wonders of Providence after this disaster.
Narrative of the Wreck of the ‘Favorite’ on the Island of Desolation
Nunn, John. [Kerguélen Island]. London: William Painter, 1850.
- Whalemen's Reading
Narrative of the Wreck of the ‘Favorite’ on the Island of Desolation [Kerguélen Island]
Nunn, John. London: William Painter, 1850.
- 1825-26 British Sealing Voyage (from London, with Royal Sovereign and Favorite).
- Antarctic Reading: Expeditions
p. 22: …according to the captain’s promise [the whalers] received their extra allowance of grog, with which they retired to their cabins and wiled away the evening in happiness and joviality, telling merry tales and drinking to their absent wives and sweethearts, a prosperous season in the whale and seal fishery, and a happy return to old England!” [The traditional officer’s toast to “wives and sweethearts, may they never meet,” dated appropriately enough from Nelson’s era until January 2014 when it was banned by the Royal Navy.]
Narrative of the Wreck of the ‘Favorite’ on the Island of Desolation [Kerguelen Island]
Nunn, John. London: William Painter, 1850.
- 1849? Kerguélen Island Sealing Voyage and Shipwreck.
- Antarctic Reading: Expeditions
A youthful sailor’s account of his voyage to the Kerguélen Islands on a sealing expedition, and its various crises and shipwrecks. Sometimes attributed to W. B. Clarke.