A 1926-27 Greenland expedition aboard the Bowdoin, with the purpose of setting up new magnetic stations and resettling old ones.
Etah and Beyond: Or, Life within Twelve Degrees of the Pole.
- 1926-27 US Northern Greenland Expedition (commanded by Donald MacMillan aboard Bowdoin).
- Arctic Reading: United States
Etah and Beyond: Or, Life Within Twelve Degrees of the Pole.
- 1926-27 US Northern Greenland Expedition (commanded by Donald MacMillan aboard Bowdoin).
- Greenland.
- Arctic Reading: Canada
A 1926-27 Greenland expedition aboard the Bowdoin, with the purpose of setting up new magnetic stations and resettling old ones.
Kah´Da: Life of a North Greenland Eskimo Boy.
- Arctic Reading: United States
A juvenile about the Smith Sound Eskimos, with whom MacMillan had lived for a total of six years.
The Humorous Side of Arctic Exploration: Laughable Incidents that Break the Monotony of the Hard and Dangerous Work above the Arctic Circle, the Eskimos’ Sense of Humor, and Some Amusing Anecdotes of Northern Life.
- Arctic Reading: United States
p. 1, on departures for the North Pole: Some one of the crew inadvertently mentioned the fact to one of these scribes (reporters) that we had no reading matter on board for the long Arctic nights…. In the next morning’s issue the fact was called to the attention of the kind people of New York. That afternoon a stream of books was flowing down East 23 Street to the Recreation Pier, carried by young, middle aged, and old, and even trucks. It was the most cosmopolitan library ever assembled, for there was everything, with one exception…and that exception a Bible—not a one. Peary wondered where they all came from & intended to throw them overboard when out to sea.