Hearne, Samuel. Edited by Richard Glover. (Toronto: Macmillan, 1958.
Hudson's Bay Company.
Arctic Reading: Canada
Didn’t find much though a fascinating book, especially on the Indian slaughter of Eskimaux. He does mention that there were books in his baggage but never talks in this work about any of them.
Hearne, Samuel; Turnor, Philip. Edited with Introduction and Notes by J. B. Tyrrell. Toronto: The Chaplain Society, 1934.
Hudson's Bay Company.
Arctic Reading: Canada
This volume is chiefly about the surveyors recruited to the HBC to chart the immense territory of Prince Rupert’s Land in the latter18th century. The Introduction tells of recruiting them through the good offices of mathematician William Wales of Christ’s Hospital London, who recommended Philip Turnor for one of the surveyor posts.