Depicts the life of the forecastle seaman on a merchant vessel in 1840. Published anonymously, Dana was an educated gentleman who presented himself as a common seaman intending to “present the life of a common sailor at sea as it really is,—the light and dark together.” (p. 4)
Two Years before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea.
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1840.
- Whalemen's Reading
Two Years before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea.
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1840.
- Maritime Reading
Depicts the life of the forecastle seaman on a merchant vessel in 1840. Published anonymously, Dana was an educated gentleman who presented himself as a common seaman intending to “present the life of a common sailor at sea as it really is,—the light and dark together.” (p. 4)