A straightforward and not too revealing journal of Hudson Bay whaling at the beginning of the 20th century, just as Amundsen was coming through on his NW Passage. Comer was commanding the American whaler Era at the end of the whaling era. Has a few interesting book notes:
An Arctic Whaling Diary: The Journal of Captain George Comer in Hudson Bay, 1903-1905.
Comer, George. Edited by W. Gillies Ross. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1984.
- Whalemen's Reading
Private Journal of George Comer while on the Relief Schooner George B. Cluett for the Crocker Land Expedition Party at Etah, North Greenland, 1915-1917
Comer, George. RB Coll: GG-4 at AMNH Lib.
- 1915-17 Crocker Land Expedition Relief Schooner Cluett (George Comer).
- Arctic Reading: United States
Expedition Outline: August 12, 1915 Upernavik to North Star Bay p. 13-38 Sept. 13, 1915 North Star Bay p. 39-43 Sept. 24, 1915 Parker Snow Bay p. 44-87 Dec. 26, 1915 North Star Bay p. 88-163 (Land party of Comer, Peter?, Dr. Hunt & 5 natives for long Winter at North Star Bay) Sept. 8, 1916 Etah until 8/3/17 p. 164-302 Aug. 4, 1917 On Neptune returning to Sydney p. 303-318