p. 71, 76-77, re the involvement of James Buddington in the George Henry and Resolute recovery.
p. 95: Whalemen spent their leisure hours in a variety of ways. The singing of chanteys, often ribald, the ‘spinning of yarns,’ building ships in bottles, and reading were the most popular pastimes. Nathaniel Taylor, a doctor aboard the Julius Caesar of New London, left an outstanding account of his experiences and impressions of whaling and sealing. He mentioned that while he was at Desolation Island, the vessels gathered there had no less than three hundred volumes among them. An outstanding leisure-time activity occurred when two vessels met and a ‘gam’ would be held. Usually this meant a holiday time with extra food, much gossip and exchange of news, and visiting back and forth between vessels.
p. 183-87, gives an extensive list of sources.