p. 28-29, in Rio Janeiro: The public library is in an edifice connected with the Emperor’s palace, and contains about seventy thousand
volumes, most of which are very ancient. We saw here a copy of the first printed edition of the Bible on parchment, impressed in 1461 by the wonderful mechanism of John Faust, the inventor of printing. We noticed also several different editions of the Polyglot Bible in various
languages, bearing the marks of extreme antiquity. The works on law and history are considered rich and valuable.
The people are allowed to visit the library during the day, but it is not much frequented, owing to a want of taste for reading among the inhabitants. This remark does not apply to the English and Americans resident here. The spirit which they have manifested for their own improvement is worthy of all praise. They have an English library in connection with a reading-room, where they pass their leisure hours usefully and profitably. The traveller has only to be introduced by a member, and any book is at his command.
p. 152-53, in Malaysia: We were reminded, by the chiming of the village bell, that the hour for public worship had arrived. A well-dressed native came to inform us, that the people were assembled at the church, in readiness for the preacher. The church is a neat little building, situated on a gentle elevation, a short distance from the village. It is constructed of stone or brick, whitewashed on the outside, and is sufficiently large to accommodate two or three hundred people. The clerk, a venerable looking Malay about fifty years of age, commenced the exercises by reading a chapter in the Bible. He was dressed in European costume, a long black coat, with pantaloons of the same color, and a white cravat. It was pleasing to witness this assembly of natives, all neatly clad, and simple and unassuming in their appearance, and I heartily wished that some of the enemies of missions could have been present, to witness the good which the introduction of Christianity has effected among these uncultivated natives. They appeared very devotional, and a deep solemnity seemed to pervade their minds. It might be well for other Christian assemblies to learn a lesson from them in this respect. The congregation, generally, was more solemn, and gave better attention to the services, than many I have witnessed in our own country.
p. 302-03, a burial of a friend at Callao: At ten, in company with several of the officers, I again went on shore, where with some of the citizens
we formed a procession, and moved to the church yard, where, in the absence of the chaplain, I read the beautiful and impressive burial service over the grave of our departed friend.
It was formerly customary to bury the dead by daylight, but as the funerals of foreigners were attended with more splendor than those of the natives, a jealousy was created; the governor therefore directed that all burials should take place in the night.
p. 326, burial at sea enroute from Galapagos Islands to Guayaquil: About nine o’clock I received a message from the Commodore, desiring me to read the burial service over the remains of one of the men, who had died the night previous. It excited in my mind melancholy feelings, to see one after another of our ship’s crew leaving the world with all its
hopes and joys behind them.