p. 61-62, re Hayes expedition of 1860, amidst other calamities: …two local Danish naturalists accused William Longshaw, the expedition’s surgeon, of stealing their books and natural history specimens. A search of Longshaw’s trunk turned up some of the missing items. With the Danish community in an uproar, Hayes quietly sent Longshaw home, where the surgeon told surprised reporters that he had returned because of snow blindness. But this did not silence talk about Longshaw’s actions in Greenland. “This surgeon’s rascality,” Grinnell fumed, “had spread the whole length of the Greenland coast." And it would soon spread further. By the spring of 1861, Grinnell would learn the full story of the scandal from his son, who reported from England that the matter had become a topic of conversation among British explorers.
The Sailors’ Magazine, Containing the Life of Peter Heywood, Midshipman of the Bounty. Also a Sketch of the Principal Mutineers of the Bounty. (Boston: American Seamens’ Friend Society, 186-?).
An alleged mutineer, Peter Heywood, according to this account, was a good Christian as was the illiterate John Adams, alias Alexander Smith.
p. 44: After his companions had all perished…his thoughts were turned to religion. In the good providence of God, a bible had been left at the island when the mutineers landed. When the ship was burned the book which brings ‘life and immortality to light’ was saved from the conflagration. He had never learned to read; but by the aid of some scraps of printed paper which he had picked up on the streets of London, he at length succeeded in learning to read the Bible. But it was a sealed book to him…. He now set apart a portion of each day for special prayer, that his mind might be illumined. Morning, noon and evening he called upon God. His prayer was heard and light was poured into his dark soul. He became a Christian….” Adams went on to teach the children of Pitcairn Island (those of Tahitian women and the late mutineers who had been killed) the Bible, and he did this for 30 years until his death in 1829 at 65 years.