p. 86: After reading the different accounts of navigation in the Arctic, and the fact that all attempts to sail east of the Koluima have failed, one is almost forced to believe that the cold is greater east of the river than west of it. It is, of course, impossible to prove or disprove this from the insufficient data at hand.
p. 153: In another chapter the history of Kamchatka has been traced and it was shown how all the energies of the Siberian government were for a time brought into play in order to retain that country. After the discovery of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka water route there followed a period of comparative peace and recuperation. Neither the government nor the restless and adventurous Siberians were quite at ease, however, so long as unsubdued natives were about them. Afanase Shestakof, a daring golova of the Cossacks, conceived the idea of conquering northeastern Siberia. He laid his plans in writing before the Russian Senate; but not satisfied with this he appeared in person before that body, bringing with him a map which now bears his name, although he probably had little to do in drawing it up, since he could neither read nor write. He was, however, a persuasive speaker, and as his projects coincided with the wishes of the government his petition was granted.
p. 183: On May 4 Bering summoned his officers, including Delisle de la Croyere, for consultation. He read his instructions to them, showed them Delisle’s chart and asked their advice as to the course that ought to be followed. They were all, including the leader, of the opinion that by sailing between east and south to about the forty-sixth or forty-fifth parallels the Company Land of the Dutch would be met with, and not far from there they would come to Gama Land and later to the western coast of America.
p. 236: It may perhaps be of interest, although somewhat foreign to the subject, to read a part of the original instructions given to the officers in whose charge Prince Dolgorouki and two others were placed to be taken to Kamchatka. The prisoners were to be watched with all care “so as to prevent them from escaping. No one is to be allowed to approach them; ink and paper they are not to have … no one is to talk to them, not even you officers and soldiers of the guard. Not only are you forbidden to talk to them, but you are not even to ask their names, mention them to no one, and allow no person to approach them for that purpose…. In Kamchatka put them in prison where there are no other such prisoners. Let their names not be heard nor be seen on paper,”