The author participated in three polar expeditions, an early 1827 North Pole attempt, the famous James Ross Clark Antarctic expedition on Erebus and Terror (1839-1843), and a Franklin Search expedition searching for the same two ships. The Ross voyage was the circumnavigation of M’Cormick’s title. [See the Anthology of the Antarctic Reading Experience under 1839.]
p. 239, with Maories in New Zealand: Mr. Williams, as the head of the Church Missionary Society, was the principal speaker [at a joint Protestant Roman Catholic Conference], and, from the attentive manner in which the Maories listened to him, most unquestionably had the best part of it and the greatest influence with them. The point which gave rise to the warmest part of the controvery was that of the worshipping of images, in which the Roman Catholics clearly went to the wall. There were three of the priests present, two of them the chief speakers. Their attendants occupied another table in the read, containing books and plates for reference, with pens, ink, and paper. On the opposite side, seated with writing materials before him, was Mr. Williams, chairs and benches placed between them for the accommodation of visitors. … Each party was allowed a quarter of an hour for his speech. The priests made a great fuss about the answers and signatures to some questions.