p.155, quotations from Hall Collection Fieldnotes, Book 24:
I now show Tee-kee-ta a book, Capt. Ross voyage of the Victory 8 vols. (French edition but in English) & showed him the difference between printed marks & writing marks & he says he and companions saw both kinds in tent.
What did you do with the books & papers?
Ans. As they were good for nothing for Innuits, threw them away, except one book which had pictures in it he brought home.
What is that book?
Ans. All gone long ago. Gave it to the children & after a while all of it got torn to pieces. He says if any one goes there in summer he may find pieces of paper about there.
p. 191: One of the most curious parts of Ogzeuckjeuwock’s testimony about the ‘boat place’ which his family had visited concerned a case full of books.
In answer to a question which we asked his mother, he said he saw books at the boat place in a tin case, about two feet long and a foot square, which was fastened, and they broke it open. The case was full. Written and printed books were shown him, and he said they were like the printed ones. Among the books he found what was probably the needle of a compass or other magnetic instrument, because he said when it touched any iron it stuck fast. The boat was right side up, and the tin case in the boat. [quoted from McClintock, Voyage of the Fox, 1859, p. 277]
Ogzeuckjeuwock’s party broke open a case full of printed books near an upright boat…. Hall specifically asked whether these papers had ‘marks on them same as I am now making in either of the boats? No but saw a good many like the paper of the book beside me (McClintock’s Voyage of the Fox).’
Gilder’s Schwatka’s Search also has a description of the finding of the tin case filled with books (p. 88).
p. 252, the Innuit also found books aboard one of the abandoned ships: They also saw books on board, and left them there.