Shores of the Polar Sea: A Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-6.

p. 9: While our two ships steamed northward along the west shores of Greenland, the novel charm of constant daylight was felt by every one. We all had our own ideas of what Arctic summer would be like, but ideas drawn from books rarely remain unchanged when brought face to face with reality. Although the passage into perpetual day was of course gradual, yet it was quite rapid enough to upset all regular habits.

p. 11, on a Disco boy of six or so reading a Danish book [July 1875]: One day a little fellow some six or seven years of age, clad in sealskin, and with straight black hair lying on his shoulders, clambered on board out of his kayak, with some fresh-caught rock cod for sale, or rather barter, for we had no money. He happened to come into our wardroom, and was shown an illustrated book of birds, in the hope that he would pronounce some of their Eskimo names, but the book chanced to be in Danish, and he surprised us by reading it fluently. We were informed that every child in northern and southern Greenland is taught to read and write, but it is difficult to imagine that there are not exceptions, for the people are scattered in almost isolated families and groups amongst the countless rocky islands of the coast.

p. 63: No one with medical experience of the disease can read the sledge journals of former expeditions without recognizing numerous indications of scurvy Our parties, more than five hundred miles north of where Franklin was lost, and in an unexpectedly colder and more lifeless climate, had no greater safeguards than their predecessors.