An Admiralty Blue Book, price 2/ Reprinted from the Nautical Magazine.
p. 30, gives an account of the drowning of Lt. Bellot: [He then] lashed up his books, and said he would go and see how the ice was driving. [He probably drowned in the next few minutes.]
p. 35, on the dispatches of M’Clure in May 1852: I think you will read with interest his despatches, and will exclaim, as I did when you come to this paragraph, “Any attempt to send succour would only be to increase the evil,” what a noble fellow! [Quoted by Capt. Kellett of the Resolute; see also McDougall’s Eventful Voyage, p. 137, for the full quotation.]
p. 36, gives accounts by Kellett of theatricals in winter 1852 aboard Resolute: Our first theatrical performance took place on 2rd November. I never saw anything better done; dresses magnificent. It was an affair of a month’s preparation, and a nine days wonder after.
p. 37:
[Most of the rest is dispatches from McClure about the Investigator in 1850.]