Munk led two Danish ships, the Lamprey and Unicorn, to Hudson’s Bay and wintered over at Churchill in 1619-20. Many men including the surgeon died at Churchill, undoubtedly of scurvy.
p. 30: On 27 March I opened the surgeon’s chest to examine its contents in detail, for as we no longer had a surgeon, I had to do whatever I could myself. And then I discovered what a serious oversight had been made in not providing a list that would tell us what the medicines were good for, and how they were to be used. I would also stake my life on the opinion that even the surgeon did not know how those medicines were to be used, for all the labels were written in Latin, and whenever he wished to read one, he had to call the priest to translate it for him.
p. 31: …only four men besides myself were strong enough to sit up in their berths to hear the homily for Good Friday. [Presumably it was read by Munk, a devoted Protestant who hoped for the conversion of the native pagans.]