Blackjack was the only survivor of the Wrangel expedition organized by Stefansson. Diary original and typescript is in STEF MSS. 8
p. 6: Apr. 24th. I didn’t go out today I just wash my hiar and read the Bibil all day and think of folks are in church this morning and this evening and now I’m writing 11 o’clock in evening after I had cup of tea.
Apr. 28. Still blowing hard all day today I stay in my sleeping bag and yesterday because I’m not feelling well I do nothing but reading Bible.
Apr. 29th. Still blowing I didn’t go out. And knight [Errol Lorne Knight] siad he was pretty sick and I didn’t say nothing because I have nothing to say and he got mad and he through a book at me that secont time he through book at me just because I have nothing to say to him. And I didn’t say nothing to him and before I went in my sleeping bag I fell his water cup and went to bed.
June 5. I didn’t do nothing today but reading Bible I just finish old testaments the next I will read new testaments. And snowing al day.
July 3d. I stay at home today and read I read about smiaratan woman she was talking to Jusses.
July 24. I stay home today and read. And I hear walrus I’ve been hearing them for about two or three days.
Aug. 5. I was just reading to about Frederick A. Cook. And I was out once with my canves boat….
Aug. 7. I was home today reading Frederick A. Cook this morning was clear….
Ada also gave an oral account of the expedition after her return (Mss 8, Box 1, folder 5) in which she says that “Around in February [1922]when he [Knight] first got sick he gave me his Bible which belonged to his Grandfather.” (p. 3).
p. 5: the night before she was rescued by the boat: I took my book after supper, for I couldn’t go to sleep until I had read for a while, then I went to sleep…. I went to the beach to meet the boat, and the master which was a Native came to me and ask where the rest of the people were and I told him there were no more that I was the only one left.
See also Errol Lorne Knight diary—STEF Mss. 90.