Preface: This book is the result of a determination on my part to complete Mr. Hubbard’s unfinished work, and having done this to set before the public a plain statement, not only of my own journey, but of his as well. For this reason I have included the greater part of Mr. Hubbard’s diary, which he kept during the trip, and which it will be seen is published exactly as he wrote it, and also George Elson’s account of the last few days together, and his own subsequent efforts.
p. 7, on the father of Leonidas Hubbard: While thus growing intimate with the living things of the woods and streams, his question was not so much "What?" as "Why?" As reading came to take a larger part in life and interest to reach out to human beings, again his question was "Why? "So when other heroes took their places beside his father for their share of homage, they were loved and honoured for that which prompted their achievements more than for the deeds themselves.
p. 55, during a stop at the Seal Islands: Beside a medley heap
of other things piled there, we found a little Testament and a book of Gospel Songs. The latter the men seemed greatly pleased to find, and carried it away with them.
p. 213: Thursday, July 23rd. — George and Wallace scouted
for trails and lakes. I lay in tent, diarrhoea. Took Sun Cholera Mixture. Tore leaves from Low’s book [maps] and cover from this diary. These and similar economies lightened my bag about 5 lbs. New idea dawned on me as I lay here map gazing. Portage route leaves this river and runs into southeast arm of Michikamau.
p. 221: Friday, August 14th. — George and Wallace left in canoe with tin cups, tea and some caribou ribs, to scout river above and climb hills. I put some ashes and water on caribou skin. Just starting to shed. Studied map and Low’s book. Wish we could descend this river on way out and map it.