A rather simple description of John West, an Anglican clergyman, who as chaplain to the HBC established a Mission School at Red River in 1821.
p. 36: He it was who first drew the attention of the Church Missionary Society to the Indian races wandering on the plains of British America, east of the Rock Mountains.
p. 38, the school having been established by 1822 when West was returning to England: It was the residence of the schoolmaster Mr. [George] Harbidge, now happily married, and assisted by his young wife, in the work of teaching. It was the home of the Indian boys and girls under the motherly care of Agathus. It was likewise the day school for the children of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s officers and servants, and for those of the Settlers also. … The Depository of the Auxiliary Bible Society, founded at York Factory by Mr. West and Nicholas Garry in 1821, was now lodged in the Church Mission House, and from it the Word of God was freely distributed in twelve languages. [The School also taught fifteen Indian boys and fifteen girls separately paid for by their parents or guardians if unaffiliated with the HBC].