p. 175: The best educated people in the country at present are the Eskimo. Almost without exception they can read and write. Many can play musical instruments, share in part singing, and are well able to keep accounts, and know the value of thins. These accomplishments, entirely and solely due to the Moravian missionaries, have largely helped them to hold their own in trade, a faculty for want of which almost every aboriginal race is apt to suffer so severely.
I have known an Eskimo called in to read and to write a letter for a Newfoundland fisherman, and I have had more than once to ask one to help me by playing our own harmonium for us at a service, because not one of a large audience can do so. I have heard more than one Eskimo stand up and deliver an excellent impromptu speech. Reading the Newfoundland Blue Books, reporting the numbers able to read and write in Labrador, I acquired an entirely erroneous estimate of the people’s accomplishments in those directions. Our white population is still very largely illiterate. Some headway has, however, has been made in late years, and literature and loan libraries distributed through the Labrador Mission are now accessible all along the coast, and are creating a love of reading.
p. 242: 1905…. Through the generosity of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, between thirty and forty small portable libraries, each containing from fifty to one hundred books, were distributed along the coast.
p. 248: In relation to ignorance: where once scarcely a single settler could read or write, and where ignorance always meant serious disadvantage in economic relations, travelling loan libraries have been established, small schools helped, and now and again, as it was possible, teachers supplied. Indifference and apathy had to be met with education as the corrective message of affection.