Sutton recounts the 1954-55 mountaineering expedition to South Georgia, its successes with some peaks and failure with others. Definitely a low-budget affair shipped on a whaling vessel and then used the gaol of a disused whaling station when not out climbing. Engagingly written though hardly over-dramatic.
p. 32: Our library of nearly a hundred books graced various shelves, and others [cells] carried the domestic crockery.
p. 186 at Stromness Villa: Our room was furnished with several austere chairs and tables, a bed, an empty bookcase, and the walls were adorned by two aged pictures showing exquisite sculpturings of nude women.
p. 208: I sometimes wondered what brought such diverse people to South Georgia. Some came in search of adventure…. Others south escape from a mundane way of life, unhappy surroundings, national service, boredom. Gwyll Owen, from the Welsh valleys, said, ‘I’m bored.’ ‘Oh, go to the Antarctic,’ said an exasperated friend. ‘I will,’ replied Owen, and months later joined the F.I.D.S. staff on Signy Island. Cockney-accented Bill Mayles just liked the life. After the war he came south to work on the development scheme in the Falkland Islands and had stayed there ever since. ‘It’s the money,’ said Danny, a Glaswegian, but Danny is an institution….
p. 209: The gaol had its share of such visitors, including loquacious Doctor Burian, Hans Kristoffersen and others. Books and magazines were eagerly sought after, and every scrap of literature, whether lurid novel or magazine advertisement, held its interest. Photography also was popular, and Discovery House catered for both interests with a library and a dark-room.
p. 219, Appendix II, Acknowledgments, indicates W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd.’s donation of books to the expedition.