The Winter Night Trip to Advance Base Byrd Antarctic Expedition II 1933-35.

Poulter was in command of Little America while Byrd spent his four months alone at Advance Base. Poulter was chosen by Byrd over the older Harold June and Paul Siple. Byrd thought Siple less mature and June unable to stay away from or hold his liquor. This book consists of notes from Poulter’s diaries and memos that passed among the men while at Little America or Advance base. A good deal is about Poulter’s problems in controlling liquor consumption, including his draining many gallons onto the ice.

p. 6, dated April 20, 1934: June told Perkins that there was enough tractor gas left for 2000 miles with one Citroen. There are actually 3000 gallons left. He also said that there would be no support to the scientific program from the planes by instruction from Admiral Byrd and that the Admiral was not interested in scientific programs except as a means to an end; namely exploration. I feel that he is expressing his own feeling as the Admiral’s and am confident of the Admiral’s keen interest in the success of the scientific program as such.