p. 7, Nov 3, 1915 Wedn, after smashup: At the ship I entered Clark’s cabin which is just above water and got some books for him.
p. 9: To-night Wild reported still further sinking of the ship. I wish I had realized that we were not going to make a dash for land, for I would have brought my Diary and my Bible, both of which I value highly…. The Bible is the one given me by my Mother many years ago—but all my gear is irrecoverably lost.
p. 36: Dec 30th: I have been looking at a few pages I tore from an encyclopaedia and have seen the diet list of various prisoners.
p. 40, Jan 9 & 10: Our few books are a great solace. I have just read ‘Robert Elsmere’ by Mrs. Humphrey Ward—and am now reading ‘Dombey & Son’ (Dickens). We have 5 volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica which are a great standby, providing a large amount of reading material….
p. 43, Jan 21st: I have been reading ‘Guy Mannering’ by Scott, and this has passed several hours pleasantly….” Also Bridges?
p. 47, Jan 30: I collected all the useful books I could find and several pounds of tobacco, some semolina and some soup spoons. [He had gone to Ocean Camp and back that day.]
Jan. 31: Lees made a tally of all the gear we brought up yesterday. We now have a fair supply of books, and the extra encyclopedia should prove of great value.” [see list under Orde Lees below]
p. 56, Mar 6th: We have been reading “The Master of Ballantrae” (Stevenson) in the tent. Clarke reads it well, Greenstreet—who read last night—sent nearly all of us to sleep.
p. 59, Mar 15th: I had plenty of reading and I kept a full and detailed diary.
p. 71: Macklin & Lees had words this morning, both of us probably wrong.
p. 78, April 8th: Hands are cold for writing to-day. Have been reading. Encyclopaedia Britannica this afternoon. Everything quiet. [They left Patience Camp the next day by boat, and left completely by April 11]
p. 83, April 14, Marston singing songs during boat trip to Elephant Island.
p. 104, June 15th: Tonight I recited three topical poems which I made up. 1. The snuggery. 2. King’s birthday drink. 3. Scientific Staff.
p. 105, June 24th, Vocal concert for Mid-Winter.
p. 106-07, June 25th Sunday: I have felt in fine fettle after to-day’s good outing, and sat up a long time reading Encyclopaedia Britannica, Scott’s poetical work, and entering these notes. Our other literature consists of “The Open Road” (Lucas), “The Pilgrim’s Way” (Quiller-Couch), “Life of Scott” and a penny cookery book issued by some school authorities at Kendall. The latter I think is the favourite, and is continually being borrowed from its owner, Marston, by people wanting to look up the dishes they will have when they get home.
p. 110, July 10th: My turn for blubber lamp, and read Encyclopaedia Britannica and Scott’s “Lord of the Isles.”
p. 112: I have been giving Greenstreet lectures on First Aid…I have no books and have to trust to my memory for it all.
p. 114, July 25th, when he read E.B.: There are no less than 7 blubber lamps going in the hut now.
p. 115, July 16: To-day Wild called in all the Encyclopaedias, and distributed them 1 to 4 men. Kerr, Wordie, Marston and myself have MED-MUM, unfortunately a number I had read pretty thoroughly.
p. 119, Aug 10: Wordie unearthed from among his possessions a piece of old “Times” newspaper giving news of the War (Sept. 15th 1914). We wonder what changes have taken place since then.
p. 122, Monday, August 21st: Have borrowed Carlyle’s “French Revolution”, and find it pretty interesting, though one requires a pretty considerable knowledge of the period to thoroughly understand the book.
p. 124, Sept. 1st, Macklin’s 27th birthday, and the day of the Rescue from Elephant Island.
p. 132, Nov. 19th: We all arrived safe in London. England we find very different from the England we left.
Nothing from Volume II apparently.