Discovery press clippings

p. 1, col. 2: [no date] Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs that Sir James Hector of the Canadian Palliser expedition in 1857-1859, has sent to the Discovery a large number of scientific works bearing upon New Zealand. The books sent include a complete set (33 volumes) of the transactions of the New Zealand Institute. These books will greatly assist the members of the expedition in their observations and researches.

p.3, col. 4 Dec 20 [1901]: “Last Day in Port: a Call at Port Chalmers”:

It is understood that the crew of the Discovery would be only too glad to receive a supply of periodicals, illustrated magazines, novels, and other literature. Those having any books or periodicals to give are asked to send them to Messrs. Kinsey, Barns and Co.’s office, Hereford street, before ten o’clock this morning. Messrs. Kinsey, Barns and Co. have undertaken to forward all literature left with them, and see that it is put on board before the ship leaves.

NZ also took subscriptions for a small barrel organ.

SPRI MS 735/1, leaf 13: New Zealand “Press”: How the Ship is Made Comfortable:

The long sojourn in the ice region is in other ways to be made as pleasant as possible for both officers and crew. The saloon is fitted up with some show of ornament, and the ship carries quite a pretentious library…. The library was organized by Lieutenant Shackleton, who received gifts of over a thousand volumes of all descriptions, many of them presented by well-known authors. No distinct cabin could be spread for the library, and so the roof of the saloon is lined with book racks, more books are stored in each officer’s cabin, and the rest are packed away in every nook & corner available. When leisure is to be spent in an even lighter way music will be available, for a Dundee lady presented the commander with a pianola and a quantity of music. [The scrapbook includes good pictures of books in the wardroom and in Scott’s cabin.

Leaf 18, clipping describes service held on board Discovery in East India dock Blackwell (sp?), the Bishop of London presiding, using the reading-desk [lectern] aboard Discovery. The Bishop “had brought a Bible and a Prayer-book to them as a present,” which he later inscribed: “Presented to the Discovery before leaving England for the great unknown South by the Bishop of London with his prayers and blessings, July 15, 1901.” A. F. LONDON

Leaf 48: The new organ was first used at a service on board in Christchurch, with Royds at the organ, and the Bishop of Christchurch presiding.

Leaf 49; Weekly Press


The books, etc., which Mr. Barns was able to put on board the Discovery filled nine flour sacks, and then there were three or four parcels in addition.

Mr. Peter Ealam collected periodicals, etc., which aggregated fully half a ton.

Other gifts included sheep’s tongues, vegetables, an American barrel organ, ‘a hogshead of ale for the warrant officers,’ and turkeys for Christmas.