The Journal of Sergeant William K. Cunningham, R.M. of HMS Terror

p. 40: Am happy to say Divine Service was performed for the first time; it gave me pleasure to our little Group sitting on Capstan Bars & Buckets on the Quarter Deck listening to our good Captain reading the Word of God. [The good Captain is Francis Crozier]. The ship seldom missed Sunday Divine Service, or the weekly reading of the Articles of War.

p. 103, footnote 1: 1 Davis, Letter, p. 19–20. ‘The day after making fast was Sunday; we were at work all day and night, but they had church in the Erebus, and it may give you an idea of what Captain Ross thought of it when he said that beautiful prayer of thanksgiving in the “Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea,” commencing “Oh most mighty and gracious God,” returning thanks for our escape from imminent danger. It was the first time I have ever known it to be read publicly.’