Much more prosaic than his earlier book on Ellsworth Station, and much less evidence of reading than in that book. Most of what follows is from his diaries of the time and not his connective commentary:
Ninth Circle: a Memoir of Life and Death in Antarctica, 1960-1962.
Behrendt, John C. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2005.
- 1958-62 Operation Deep Freeze.
- Antarctic Reading: Expeditions
This Frozen World: The Polar Diaries of Alfred Wright Stuart.
Stuart, Alfred Wright. Gastonia, NC: Pipes & Timbrels Press, 2007.
- 1958-62 Operation Deep Freeze.
- Antarctic Reading: Expeditions
Stuart was chosen to serve as a geologist based at McMurdo starting in 1958, at the end of the IGY.