p. 7, footnote 1: “Bougainville is fond of sprinkling Latin tags in his text, but he does so from memory and at times misquotes or changes the original. He draws his inspiration here and on a number of other occasions from Virgil’s Aeneid and in particular the first book in which a wild storm drives Aeneas and his men off course.” [Editor’s note]
1766-69 French Expedition (Louis-Antoine de Bougainville aboard Boudeuse)
After French failure in the Seven Years War ending in 1763, Bougainville and other French explorers turned their strategic planning towards the South Atlantic and the Pacific, including the possibility of establishing a French base in the Falklands and possible settlement by the Acadians exiled from Nova Scotia. Bougainville’s involvement in and failure of the French plans for the Falklands, following British and Spanish opposition, provided a stage for his long-wished Pacific journey of 1766 and his circumnavigation.